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Preparing For A Meet
Meets are not “in-and-out” type of events. In many cases, you will be spending the ENITRE DAYor a majority of the day at the meet. DO NOT overbook your child or family with multiple activities the day of meets. The feeling of being rushed through a meet only puts pressure on the athlete. The NJ Strider meets have over 700+ athletes participating in them. The USATF NJ Junior Olympic Association Championships is a competitive meet with upwards of 500+ athletes.
Below are some frequently asked questions about preparing for a meet:
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We are new to track and field meets. What should we expect?
Meets can be a lot of fun – especially when the weather is nice, but there are a few things to remember. The meets have many different teams, events, and age divisions competing and will last for a few hours. Also, events are arranged to allow the athlete time between events. Example: If your child is a sprinter and runs the 100m and 200m events, the 100m will be near the beginning of the meet while the 200 is much later in the day. Please be patient and considerate of the officials and other athletes. Because the weather can be hot & sunny, cold & rainy or anything in between, it is best to have a tent that the athletes can use to stay out of the elements and relax between events. We do not want the athletes running around between events and getting too tired before they compete. Last but not least - be prepared for a day of fun competition and be sure to keep your eyes open – there may be a future Olympian out on the track! Jeremy Wariner, Allyson Felix,Sanya Richards, Bryan Clay, Lauryn Williams, Adam Nelson, Deena Kastorand Meb Keflezighi were all USATF youth athletes.
What are some good things to bring to meets?
I. Hardware
- Cooler for food/beverages
- Aluminum lounge chairs or blankets to place on the ground and sit on in good weather
- A tent for family and teammates to sit under
- Beach umbrella (if you opt not to get a tent)
- Bungee cords for tying down tents
II. Beverages/Food:
- Beverages (FAQ above)
- Food
- Fresh fruits & veggies to snack on such as (no dips):
- Fresh or Dried Fruit & Grain bars
- Nuts and/or trail mixes
- Sandwiches
- No mayo
- No cheese
- Use lean meats
- Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches on wheat bread. (Are excellent!)
- No cookies, soda, candy
III. Other things that are good to have:
- Baby wipes
- White towel (keep cool and damp to help cool athletes when over heated after a race)
- A change of clothes, socks and shoes in case of rain
- Books, Games & cards (for both parents & kids)
- Please help us keep the kids out of the sun in between events
- Patience, support and a sense of humor!!!
- Good sportsmanship!!!!
What type of beverages should my child have or avoid?
Water is great. Please avoid carbonated beverages such as soda and it is suggested that athletes dilute electrolyte drinks such as Gatorade or PowerAde with some water as the high sugar contents often lead to cramping.
What should my child eat or not eat before a practice/meet?
There are many different philosophies on pre-competition nutrition. However a good basic rule of thumb is to only eat foods that easily digest before a practice or competition. Examples include fruits, an egg and oatmeal. Avoid foods with high fat levels before a competition.
What should my child eat after a race?
Simple sugars within a half hour to hour after competition such as those in fruits, bagels, etc. are recommended. This will help your athletes replenish their fuel sources quickly and decrease muscle fatigue.
My child is a pretty good athlete, should they wear spikes? If so, what kind?
¼ inch pyramid spikes are permitted on our home track and at most meets. However, this is taken on a case-by-case so speak to the head coach if you believe spikes may benefit your child before purchasing them. In addition, the head coach will speak with athletes and parents if we believe that an athlete will benefit from having spikes.
My child is nervous about participating in their first meet. What should I do?
Encourage them as their parent and let them know that the coaches will fully support them no matter how they finish. A coach attends our scheduled meets so they will have the support of a coach at the meets. We want them to try their best and have fun.
How do I know which track and field meet is most appropriate for my child to participate in?
First, cross reference your calendar with the meet dates to see what meet dates your child is available for and then speak to Coach Jolene or Coach Greg and they will recommend the most appropriate meet for your child.
How do I know which event(s) my child should participate in at a meet?
Speak to the head coach and we will help guide your athlete.
My child wants to be part of a relay, how are relay teams formed?
To be part of a relay team, there must be 4 athletes in the same age group. Step-up relays require one athlete from each age division. Sign up for a relay team on the meet form. Since meet sign-ups are due a week before the meet, the coach will be able to form the relay teams or let you know if there are not enough athletes in your child’s age division for a relay team.
Is transportation provided for any meets?
No, parents are responsible for this.
The kids look like they are having so much fun. Are there any meets for the parents/family?
Yes! The Al Saner meet in May is a Youth, Open, Masters meet. That means that athletes of any age can compete. If you are interested, fill out the entry form and we will assist with your registration, but you will remain responsible for the entry fee.